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What do I do? I listen and I make magic.

Two things that have always fascinated me: watching people create projects that require hands-on, time-tested skills (like woodworking, painting, and blacksmithing) and listening to the stories people tell.

Years and years ago I took a metalsmithing in college and it was like learning magic. I got to try melting, hammering, etching, drilling, sawing, and filing metal into new and exciting pieces. Even after graduation, I kept jewelry making as a hobby.

The other thing I’ve always done is listen to people tell their stories. I’m an introvert, so I don’t talk to strangers much. (Weird for someone who sells at art shows, I know.) But I’ve been a good listener to anyone who needed to just be heard. Stories of their kids, their childhood antics, how different the world was X number of years ago, etc. Hearing so many people recall exact details and dates showed me how important certain events can be to a person, and noticing that a lot of times those stories will be ones they haven’t thought of in years but being able to free-think as they talked to me brought them to mind.

In 2019, both listening and metalsmithing brought Gray Hat Creations to life. Now I have a workshop where I get to hammer, solder, etch, and polish my way to pieces I am proud to share and I get to work with lovely people who want to create a keepsake for one of the stories they, or a loved one, cherish.

What can I help you make tangible today?







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